I already have all DTO and DAO classes written and debugged.
However, per company policy, unit test coverage must be no less than 75%.
Right now, I have it less than 30%, because this is database driven project and 
to comply, I need to create
tests mocking database operations.
From: Pieter van den Hombergh <pieter.van.den.hombe...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 7:49 AM
Cc: NetBeans Mailing List <users@netbeans.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Using Mockito with Netbeans

generated tests from existing classes sounds like testing after the fact.

Then I would consider generating the DAOs from information available, like the 
database schema or the DTO classes which should be of the record type.

but if you still insist, make the DAO tests inherit from a TestBase class that 
configures the mocked data source.
If the DAO accepts the data source or a connection as dependency in the 
injection sense, you are good to go and can verify the proper use of the 
dependency by the DAO, which is the purpose of mocking.

I may find some time tomorrow to come up with a more elaborate answer.

Kind regards,
Pieter van den Hombergh.

met vriendelijke groet
Pieter van den Hombergh

Op do 29 feb 2024 01:40 schreef Greenberg, Gary <ggree...@visa.com.invalid>:
I am quite used to generate unit tests for my code using Netbeans 
Tools->Create/Update Tests. JUnit is great.
However, now I need to create tests for some DAO classes where I will need to 
mock database access.
I plan to use Mockito for that.  Does Netbeans have any features automating 
Mockito test creation?

Gary Greenberg

Staff Software Engineer

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