On Thu, Feb 29, 2024, 16:43 Greenberg, Gary <> wrote:

> Yes, I do need to mock CRUD operations without accessing the database.
> As I said, code was debugged and tested with the database, but to
> comply with the company policy
> I do need to add these "fake" unit tests. I haven't used Mockito for about
> 10 years and don't want to spend much time
> to refresh my knowledge. I do hope that NB have some mocking features that
> will help me.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Leo Donahue <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 29, 2024 1:29 PM
> *Cc:* NetBeans Mailing List <>
> *Subject:* Re: Using Mockito with Netbeans
> On Thu, Feb 29, 2024, 13:33 Greenberg,Gary <>
> wrote:
> I already have all DTO and DAO classes written and debugged.
> However, per company policy, unit test coverage must be no less than 75%.
> Right now, I have it less than 30%, because this is database driven
> project and to comply, I need to create
> tests mocking database operations.
> >>mocking database operations
> Do you mean that you need to mock CRUD in a unit test?
> If you create mock data in the test, you control the mock data which means
> you're testing a hard coded value or testing for null and the database is
> never used.
> Is that valuable?
> Suppose you unit test pinging the database, as in select something and it
> fails because the database is down, or today no permissions were granted to
> your test account or your test user password expired... now what.  The unit
> test says something is broken but it may not be in your control.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Pieter van den Hombergh <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 29, 2024 7:49 AM
> *Cc:* NetBeans Mailing List <>
> *Subject:* Re: Using Mockito with Netbeans
> generated tests from existing classes sounds like testing after the fact.
> Then I would consider generating the DAOs from information available, like
> the database schema or the DTO classes which should be of the record type.
> but if you still insist, make the DAO tests inherit from a TestBase class
> that configures the mocked data source.
> If the DAO accepts the data source or a connection as dependency in the
> injection sense, you are good to go and can verify the proper use of the
> dependency by the DAO, which is the purpose of mocking.
> I may find some time tomorrow to come up with a more elaborate answer.
> Kind regards,
> Pieter van den Hombergh.
> met vriendelijke groet
> Pieter van den Hombergh
> Op do 29 feb 2024 01:40 schreef Greenberg, Gary <
> >:
> I am quite used to generate unit tests for my code using Netbeans
> Tools->Create/Update Tests. JUnit is great.
> However, now I need to create tests for some DAO classes where I will need
> to mock database access.
> I plan to use Mockito for that.  Does Netbeans have any features
> automating Mockito test creation?
> *Gary Greenberg*
> Staff Software Engineer

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