Hi Gil.

Maybe I have a little bit another opinion on this like the core developers 
because I am a user :-)

At my current customer we uses Jboss since version 3.x so more than 8 years I 
think. Current productive system is using 4.2.3 and we currently try to migrate 
to JBoss 7.1 which is a big improvement.
I think Jboss is perfect for bigger scale applications because of all the 
features like clustering, tons of well proven service libraries for REST, JMS, 
JSF or WS in general. Also the implementation of the EJB Specs are driven by 
the reference implementation Hibernate. Specially this has tons of "specials" 
if the spec does not solve detailed performance issues for example.
But the main pro is the good documentation the very huge community and a big 
company behind it. Redhat wants to earn money with the supported version so 
they hire a lot well known experts around the world to join the implementation 
Once I had some special issues with the JMS Implementation 1.4.x. Via the User 
forum I helped a lot to find the Bugs and also had quick IRC Chats with the 
main lead Tim Fox. The next builds contained the bugfixes and so my problems 
were solved.

But I also have to tell another story PRO OpenEJB.
A subproject needs to run on an embedded device. This has a very slow CPU and 
only 128 MB ram.
Jboss and glassfish were no options because of the resources so I played with 
openejb (3.1.4)
On this device I had already a java application running so to save the VM 
overhead I added my own starter service which starts openejb in the same vm.
It was a little bit tricky to solve some classloader issues but currently I 
have my administration application (with about 20 session beans, 15 entities 
and some singleton services) up and running inside the embedded openejb.
In addition to that I implemented a ZK Frontend running on a Tomcat 6 which I 
also start embedded on demand inside the same VM as well. This frontend then 
uses JNDI to connect to the openejb container.
Works like a charm.
This device is going live in a couple of weeks. So currently everything is 
stable there....

So to summarize:
Jboss is the better container for bigger productive systems because of the 
power, development speed, reliability and community size.
Openejb works perfect and for small projects I still want to use it.

And of course.... This is only my opinion
Sorry Romain :-) You all do great jobs but without 1.000.000 $ Development 
Budget it's hard to win the race....

Markus Lutum
JEE developer since decades :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Gil Teitelbaum [mailto:t...@tradertools.com]
Sent: Donnerstag, 15. März 2012 08:01
To: users@openejb.apache.org
Subject: OpenEJB vs JBoss


Our company is trying to pick between JBoss and OpenEJB for a J2EE application 
that would use both EJB and JMS/MDBs for a production environment.

Would anyone be able to tell me the pros and cons of using one or the other?



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