On 15.03.2012 08:09, Gil Teitelbaum wrote:
Hi Romain,

Thanks for your input.

The things that I am most concerned about are performance and
reliability.  I especially worry about reliability - sometimes issues
with reliability can be hard to find.

By the way - do you know if there any differences in running openEJB
embedded versus as part of tomcat?



-----Original Message-----
From: Romain Manni-Bucau [mailto:rmannibu...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 9:04 AM
To: users@openejb.apache.org
Subject: Re: OpenEJB vs JBoss


from what i know (but i'm not so fair) JBoss seems more complicated for
gain i don't see. OpenEJB is simple and works very well in production.
cons of  OpenEJB is it is not *officially* certified for the whole JEE 6
stack (only webprofile) but your app should work perfectly.

IMO you should test both (at least OpenEJB/TomEE is simple to test ;))

- Romain

2012/3/15 Gil Teitelbaum<t...@tradertools.com>


Our company is trying to pick between JBoss and OpenEJB for a J2EE
application that would use both EJB and JMS/MDBs for a production

Would anyone be able to tell me the pros and cons of using one or the



Hello Gil,

First some background information to paint the picture. I will focus on the 
OpenEJB / JBoss answer in a moment.

I work for a company that is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of AOI (Automated Optical Imaging) systems. We service customers such as Nokia, Sony and Hella with full scale production line machines. Throughput and high availability is a necessity within the industry. These machines produce relatively large quantities of information that needs to be stored and run 24/7 until something breaks, which can be anything from several weeks to several months. Over the last two years we have been developing a new prototype machine, which includes a robust client server application based on both the standalone and embedded OpenEJB 4.x software, but also with a remote JBoss 7.x option for certain scenarios. Both client (Machine controller) and server are Windows 7 based.

I don't want to go into overload here, so I'll try and keep this as concise as I can. Our client software must be able to operate for a reasonable amount of time should the server go down for any reason. It utilizes an embedded OpenEJB/Hibernate/Derby/ActiveMQ stack to provide an entirely EJB based caching model that is virtually identical to an application that is deployed on a remote standalone OpenEJB server (Not TomEE), and optionally JBoss. Results that are produced by the AOI machine are pushed through the caching model to the remote server. We use JMS both directly over TCP and locally to produce a persistent and non-persistent event model.

The default server stack is OpenEJB/Hibernate/PostgreSQL/ActiveMQ/JRE6 64bit running as a Windows service. This server may service several client applications (i.e.. Information produced by several machines), and provides a complete server EJB application per storage unit / database. In production tests we have had up to five real machines and at least ten simulated all producing data in the order of 2TB a day for periods of over a week. This is overkill, but represents for us an effective stress test. The server also has the ability to hot deploy applications. We needed this for dynamic database restoration and creation during runtime.

We have an option to swap out the remote OpenEJB for JBoss literally just to be on the safe side should we require a clustering capability. As mentioned, the EJB application that we deploy on the client embedded OpenEJB is identical to the the application deployed on the remote OpenEJB, and 'almost' identical on JBoss. The only difference between OpenEJB and JBoss that we required were two small interfaced facilities classes that provide JNDI lookups and a custom deployment bean for each server. The deployment beans allow us to deploy and un-deploy applications on both servers, and this is unfortunately very server specific. I have to say that dynamic creation and deployment of an application during runtime is significantly easier in OpenEJB than JBoss.

So to sum up, and of course this is just my slightly bias opinion, I have found OpenEJB to be completely capable in a production environment and the only real issue has been to think do we really need clustering at the remote EJB level. After all, we still have the option to cluster at the Hibernate/database level using PostgreSQL (Which seems to be our bottleneck under load). If we do then it is nice to know we have chosen a model that is JBoss and, with probably very little effort, other JEE application server compatible. So no real pros and cons either the way, except for clustering if it is going to be a requirement at the get go. As long as your layers are well interfaced then you can always swap things out.

I hope this helps you to form a decision.

Best regards,

Andy Gumbrecht.


*Andy Gumbrecht*
Software Developer
Orpro Vision GmbH
Hefehof 24, 31785, Hameln

+49 (0) 5151 809 44 21
+49 (0) 1704 305 671

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