On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 07:29:31 +0100
Brian Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:

> At 19:10 01/10/2008 -0700, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> >OK, I managed to get Base to open the .csv file. But now I can't get 
> >it to update the data if I change the .csv file.
> >
> >I entered several more books in Tellico, then exported again to 
> >.csv. When I exported I told Tellico to overwrite the existing .csv 
> >file. Then in Base I clicked on the Refresh button in the toolbar. 
> >Made no difference. Base still sees only the data from the original 
> >version of the .csv file.
> If I try to overwrite a connected .csv file (on my Windows system), I 
> cannot do so whilst the database to which it is connected is 
> open.  Perhaps your .csv file is not actually being updated?  If I 
> close the database and reopen it after modifying the .csv file, the 
> database table is updated.  This may be a solution.

I determined that Tellico did, indeed, overwrite the .csv file, even
while Base was connected to it. After much gnashing of teeth I finally
got Base to update itself, but I had to close and reopen all parts of
OOo that were open.

> >As an alternative, I tried exporting to a new .csv file, but I 
> >couldn't find any way to get Base to add this as a new table. That 
> >is, I could go register it as a new database, but I want all the 
> >tables in the same database.
> Unless I'm missing something, you do not seem to be able to create 
> new tables in a database that is connected to an existing file.  The 
> solution is simple: instead of connecting the database to your 
> original .csv file, create a new database and then import each .csv 
> file.  An easy way to do this is:
> o  In the database, click on Tables in the Database panel.
> o  Open the .csv file in Calc.
> o  Select the required cells in Calc.
> o  Drag the selected range in Calc to the Tables panel in the lower 
> part of the database window.
> o  This brings up the "Copy table" dialogue, which enables you to 
> select how you want the new table created.
> You can repeat this dragging process to create new tables as required.

I finally succeeded in doing as you suggest, but instead of dragging it
from Calc I copied and pasted between Calc and Base. 

Thanks for the assistance.

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