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----- Original Message ----
From: Brian Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: users@openoffice.org
Sent: Thursday, October 2, 2008 2:29:31 AM
Subject: Re: [users] Bibliography, Base, and importing data

At 18:22 01/10/2008 -0700, John Jason Jordan wrote:
>I want to be able to merge selected entries into a bibliography in a 
>Writer document. From Tellico I can export in various formats, 
>including xml, html, zip, csv, pilotdb, bibtex, bibtexml, and onix. 
>So far I have tried xml and csv, but can't get either one registered 
>with Base. Let me explain in more detail, using my experience with 
>csv as an example.
>I opened Base and checked "Connect to an existing database," and 
>selected "text" in the drop-down box. In the next window I entered 
>the path to the .csv file and checked the radio button for "'Comma 
>separated value' files." In the next window I left the default items 
>checked: "Yes, register the database for me" and "Open the database 
>for editing." When I clicked on Finish it opened a window showing 
>the folder that I specified in the first step, but no files appear 
>in the window. There is a spinbox that says "ODF Database," but when 
>I select it that is the only option. It should list all the database 
>types, including csv, but it does not. Since I cannot tell it to 
>look for .csv files it displays no files in the window. The file is 
>definitely there - tellico_bibliography.csv - it's just the Base can't see it.

You seem to think that you are being asked to identify the .csv file 
at this point, but this is not so: you have already done enough in 
the second panel of the Database Wizard to achieve that.  The title 
bar of this dialogue box is Save As, and you are being asked where 
and under what name you want your new database - an .odd file rather 
than the original .csv file - to be saved.

At 19:10 01/10/2008 -0700, John Jason Jordan wrote:
>OK, I managed to get Base to open the .csv file. But now I can't get 
>it to update the data if I change the .csv file.
>I entered several more books in Tellico, then exported again to 
>.csv. When I exported I told Tellico to overwrite the existing .csv 
>file. Then in Base I clicked on the Refresh button in the toolbar. 
>Made no difference. Base still sees only the data from the original 
>version of the .csv file.

If I try to overwrite a connected .csv file (on my Windows system), I 
cannot do so whilst the database to which it is connected is 
open.  Perhaps your .csv file is not actually being updated?  If I 
close the database and reopen it after modifying the .csv file, the 
database table is updated.  This may be a solution.

>As an alternative, I tried exporting to a new .csv file, but I 
>couldn't find any way to get Base to add this as a new table. That 
>is, I could go register it as a new database, but I want all the 
>tables in the same database.

Unless I'm missing something, you do not seem to be able to create 
new tables in a database that is connected to an existing file.  The 
solution is simple: instead of connecting the database to your 
original .csv file, create a new database and then import each .csv 
file.  An easy way to do this is:
o  In the database, click on Tables in the Database panel.
o  Open the .csv file in Calc.
o  Select the required cells in Calc.
o  Drag the selected range in Calc to the Tables panel in the lower 
part of the database window.
o  This brings up the "Copy table" dialogue, which enables you to 
select how you want the new table created.
You can repeat this dragging process to create new tables as required.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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