On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 22:49:05 -0400
"H.S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:

> John Jason Jordan wrote:
> > And that brings me to my motivations. One purpose is just to keep track
> > of what I have. A few months ago I ordered a book I needed for a class,
> > only to discover after it arrived that I already had a copy. That was
> > stupid. Please don't tell the university, lest they revoke the degree
> > they already gave me.
> For this purpose, I think Koha would been appropriate. It is being used
> by many libraries to maintain their repository of books. In your case, I
> strongly suggest you give it a try. Koha gives you many tools to manage
> and search your books library. It can also talk to other libraries to
> import the book's identification information (MARC21 record?). I am sure
> there are other tools to manage a library, but I liked Koha since it is
> free, open source, standards complaint and is being actively developed.
> Koha can be administered via a web browser from any computer as long as
> the Koha server you install on is also connected to the internet.
> BTW, what OS and computer setup are you using?

This is Ubuntu Hardy x86_64.

Regarding Koha, again I am afraid I failed to give adequate
information. I practically never lend books. If I do, it is to a
colleague or professor, and if I never get it back that is fine. I have
no need to keep track of lending information. I am not a library. I
also do not need the same information about a book that a library would
need. Library software would be absolutely wrong for my needs.

Really I just need to be able to keep track of what I have so I don't
order a book that I already own. That means being able to search my
list based on title or author. Any simple tool can do that. A simple
database in Base would handle that. My biggest need is to create
citations and reference lists for term papers. 

To enter a couple dozen books into Zotero took me 15 minutes once I
figured out enough about Zotero to do it. To enter my entire collection
into Zotero would take probably twenty or thirty hours. And I don't
have to do it all at once; I can do it one bookcase at a time as time
permits. In fact, of the entire collection I need only a few hundred
for my current academic interest (linguistics). The remainder of the
collection are business, math, economics, finance, law, psychology, and
a ton of novels in several languages. My interests are fairly eclectic.

For now I'm going to keep working with Zotero to see if I can get it to
do the references and citations correctly.

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