On 05/10/2008 11:58, Rob Clement wrote:
Harold Fuchs wrote:
On 05/10/2008 08:39, mike scott wrote:
(Everything snipped - can we put this subthread to rest please?)

/IF/ a mailicious mail account has /everything/ forwarded to a target victim, there is no problem at all for the victim to unsubscribe the mailicious account from this list, even without any access to that malicious account. They do need to know the email address of the account.

They just send an unsub email with that malicious address as sender. Because of the forwarding, they will receive the unsub confirmation request. They then reply to this.

Job done.

I think that's right but what puzzles me is how to subscribe some else in the first place. When one subscribes one receives the same sort of "please confirm" message as one gets when one unsubscribes. So if *you* tried to subscribe *me*, I'd get the "please confirm" message and just wouldn't do it. Would someone please explain what I'm missing here?


If you look at the thread, someone created a gmail account with this person's name. This someone then registered with users@openoffice.org to get all the e-mails to gmail and then forwarded the e-mails from gmail to his other address.
".. his other address" ??? I think you meant the victim's address ???

Ah. If I forward this list's mail to someone then that person can't do anything about it. Unsubscribing won't help because the person wouldn't be subscribed; may never even have heard of OpenOffice.org. This list won't know anything about the person.

What confuses me is that you have to agree to receive e-mail at the non-gmail address,
Do you? How come? I can set a filter in Thunderbird to forward mail somewhere. I don't think the "somewhere" has any say in the matter. I think I can do the same from gmail. And it wouldn't have to be a "non-gmail" address.

so either it is seomone close to him or he has been very careless.
I don't think either of those is right. I think all the perpetrator needs to know is the victim's "real" e-mail address. I think the victim of this is actually powerless to prevent it. I think the only thing the victim can do is set up a filter to delete the unwanted traffic. Please prove me wrong.

I hope that helps


Harold Fuchs
London, England
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