Hi, on purchasing Open Office the site stated that a 30 day satisfaction
agreement was in place. I would like to take advantage of that agreement. I
have found your sites incredibly hard to negotiate. Using your product was
fine but to find any  help seems to require a degree in rocket science. I am
a basic elderly computer user and find your "Help" pages and the ability to
contact someone for assistance near impossible.  Therefore I would like a
refund and to uninstall this program. My apologies for any inconvenience. I
have spent 2 hrs searching your sites for someone to contact about this, so
please, if I have contacted the wrong people (& that would not surprise me)
could you please direct me to an email address where I can have this problem
solved.  My contact details are Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Address: 24
Peryman St, Pearcedale 3912, Victoria, Australia. Ph's: 03 59786672   Mob:

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