At 18:05 15/05/2009 -0700, Gary Noop wrote:
Why would one go to all that trouble to begin with?

Just that it may help the enquirer.

Have you actually tried this with this docx before posting/suggesting?

Of course!  How else would I know what it did?

First of all, the resulting OOo file is nothing more than doc with a pasted graphic/picture that can't be edited or changed.

I don't know that the enquirer wants to edit it: he may well want only to read or print it.

It would be better simply to export/print/save the Word file to PDF from Word 2007/x than to do as you suggest.

I do not have Word 2007; neither, I imagine, does the enquirer.

I am aware that my suggestion did not answer the larger question "How do I open all .docx files for editing in Writer?" And I'm happy that the enquirer will read your (and others') comments too, of course; I imagine he can make his own decisions as to how to proceed. He's entitled to think my contribution useless if he wishes ...

Brian Barker

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