On 05/16/2009 04:47 PM, Web Kracked wrote:

> Here is the question I would ask NoOp;
> If you HAD to get the information from the file for
> your work or any other must-see reason, What would
> you go through to be able to read that document?

I'd try a few tools that I have at my disposal, including dualboot and
virtualmanager (VirtualBox) into Windows. I try to be polite to folks
who don't know better & then try to politely 'educate' the sender.

That said: most people do not have the tools that I do at their
disposal, so your question is not entirely fair. Let's turn it around;
what would you do to read a linux specific document that I sent to you?
Or how about I send you an Adobe Framemaker or PageMaker 6.5 file, what
would you go through to be able to read those files?

> I use to work with must-see type of documents sent
> to me through email.  I had to have Word 2003/pro,
> including Publisher.  No other compatible software
> was "allowed".  I had to see these files to be able
> to do the work for these people.  I went through
> "bad times" making sure I had all the software needed
> to do the work.

Then I suppose that you either chose to invest in the software required
to do so, or the people that you worked for did so. Either way someone
paid for (hopefully) the necessary software and, you agreed to use the
software to accomplish the work... correct?

FWIW I did the same sometime back when I was consulting for very large
multinational corporations... ever had to spend over $3,000 USD at one
wack for a Windows OS license & MS Office Professional, and 1 or two
Adobe programs?

When you had your "bad times" how much did you actually spend in legal
software licenses & media in order to accomodate your 'sender'? I paid
for *all* of my licences & media... did you?

> Downloading 52MB is a "piece of cake" compared to what
> many of us have to go through.  I would do the same
> if I has to.

Right... got money? Bandwidth, disk & memory is cheap - so say those
that have plenty and must think the world revolves around $59 4GB memory
chips & MS Vista. Sorry, but my largest hard drive is 40GB. My bandwidth
is important to me, and my memory chips cost considerably more than
those advertised on today's 'modern' systems.

> Now the "useless contributions" are never totally useless.
> Many times these "helpful ideas" could give the user
> somethings to think about that might clear up some of the
> problems.  Or, it could give them a hint on how to
> look at the problem differently which may help as well.

I've no argument with that & never said that Brian's post was "useless"
- you obviously saw my reply to Brian but chose to ignore the "My
apologies." part.

BTW: you might want to *read* Marco Fioretti's post. While I think that
Marco sometimes takes his articles a little too far in his insistence of
users toeing the digital freedom line (sorry Marco), I generally agree
with much of what he publishes. The fact that he'd addressed this issue
specifically with Scouting some time ago is pretty intriguing (at least
to me).

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