At 16:09 16/05/2009 -0700, Gary Noop wrote:
My apologies.

Oh, absolutely none necessary!  (Sorry if I gave any different impression.)

My response wasn't intended to deem your contribution useless.

Indeed. But I still insist that the enquirer - or anyone else - is entitled to think so if they wish! ;^)

But I am amazed that someone would have to go to all the trouble of downloading 52MB of viewer/converter [1] simply to open and view a "modern" word processing document.

Quite so.

What I perhaps should have made clearer is that my suggestion was in the nature of a workaround - just something that I had discovered which worked. And that the implication of your earlier advice (which I have now read again) - that problems such as this are best attacked at the source rather than at the destination, by the careful choice of appropriate formats for distribution of documents - is, of course, spot on.

Brian Barker

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