At 22:22 21/05/2009 -0400, Dave Post wrote:
I've written an AppleScript for my email client (OSX Mail 3.6) that, if activated, will respond automatically to messages that contain "moderator for" in a Delivered-To header field by sending a modified version of the original message to the originator and the list.
Before I activate it, though, I'd like some feedback. I won't do it if the group objects.


You mean so that everyone will receive two copies of moderated messages? And the list processor will have to distribute 5000 copies of them instead of 2500?

The first thing a moderated user will see is a message from you that is a copy of their enquiry with no answer to it. When they query this (to you), will you undertake to explain to these users what is happening? (And you won't send those replies to the list as well, will you? Please!)

All new subscribers to the list will write to the list asking why they are getting double copies of many messages. Will you undertake to deal with these enquiries, too? (And not copy your replies to the list? Please!)

Do you not think that this scheme would result in many subscribers either leaving the list or else filtering to trash anything that comes from you (neither of which actions I'd welcome)?

Feedback? I don't want this message to sound as deprecatory as it probably does, and I *do* appreciate that you mean well, but I think what you suggest creates more of a problem than it solves.

Brian Barker

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