Paul wrote:
At lot of energy has been expended (unnecessarily?) dealing with two
interlocking list management issues:
 - how to get answers to questions from unsubscribed posters; and
 - how to unsubscribe (for newbies who subscribed to get a question

A little reflection on the size of the list and the wealth of talent wasted
on these questions is enough to make one sick over the waste of time.  Now
Barbara Duprey has not only done an admirable and comprehensive job of
trying to get to answers that quash this waste [cf: "Responding to
unsubscribed posters"], but has also volunteered to take the quest for
answers off-list.  Also, Vera (VeLT) has offered a clue to at least part of
the problem ["Re: Fw: unsubscribe"], and again Barbara followed up on the

All of this begs an obvious question: When Barbara gets answers (for which
the list will be in her debt) how will she get corrections made? Put another
way: Who is/are the list moderator(s), and why is a list moderator not
active in these list management questions?  This may be a dumb question,
asked from the perspective of one who has not been around this list for a
long time - and if it's dumb, I apologize - but it seems like an obvious
question.  Anyone know?


I'm one of the list moderators for both users and discuss lists. My silence
on these recent discussions is that there is nothing new and it has all been
discussed before (repeatedly).

Search the archives for what moderators can and can't do - I'll not bore
everyone else.

The central issue is that the collab software that runs the list will take
$$$ to change. Without $$ and single approach for a change = no change.



Would you please answer this simple 2-part question: who (name & e-mail address please) runs the ezmlm software that manages this list and who (name & e-mail address please) is responsible for configuring that software?

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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