John Kaufmann wrote:
In a message dated 2009.11.05 08:49 -0500, Barbara Duprey wrote:

The two approaches under discussion currently are
(1) ... always use Reply All ...
(2) Providing a message to the unsubscribed OP who is starting a thread, containing a link to the OP's message in the archive and some information about how to follow the thread that way. ...

Of the two complementary questions in this thread -
  (a) how to get answers to questions from unsubscribed posters; and
  (b) how to unsubscribe ...
- those "two approaches" only address the first question, and even in that case may be an incomplete solution set. For example, another approach is the simplest and most common: require subscription to post.

As I've said before, the reason I don't favor the forced subscription is that this list has an amount of traffic that can be a very unpleasant surprise to somebody who is just "dropping by" to get the answer to a specific question. ...

I'm not (yet, at least) advocating subscribe-to-post (even if it works elsewhere and would improve the list's signal to noise ratio). I am advocating that all options be on the table - that nothing be a priori excluded - in view of the waste this has become. I used that most obvious example as a simple way to say the proposed solution set was incomplete and that it would be unwise, before hearing from the moderators, to offer them a pre-packaged subset of choices. [A negative example: Having seen the damage that a Reply-to-All requirement can do to a list, I have my own reservations about that, but it's premature to make that case.]

I completely agree -- it just sounded to me as if you were indeed advocating that as the only viable alternative. Sorry I misunderstood. And I'm sure that Harold and I, at least, are curious about those "reservations" you have -- I don't think it's premature at all to discuss them.

I hope the moderators will favor the list with their thoughts on these two recurring wastes of time, that we might see whether a proposed solution to one might aggravate the other (or cause a new undesirable consequence). The premise of collaboration software, after all, is that many heads are better than one.

Well, Paul seems to be willing to help out, per his communication to Harold. But they don't want to just rehash old discussions, which is totally reasonable.

Of course. We already spend too much time rehashing this old issue. The point is to become serious enough to resolve it. Paul mentioned that the lack of a "single approach" impedes a solution; we need more substance to see what that means. This is not an intractable problem, and failure to resolve it has caused tremendous waste.

Again, I agree completely.

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