2010/1/8 M. Fioretti <mfiore...@nexaima.net>


> The only way to reduce the hundreds of such messages (and the
> unsubscription requests deriving from how annoying they are) which is
> both really easy AND surely working is to do what I already explained
> here:
> http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=discuss&msgNo=65332
> if every subscriber started doing tomorrow what I suggest there the
> total amount of traffic (INCLUDING the duplicated copies that
> subscribers would receive and that, unlike the threads above are
> really easy to filter out automatically) would decrease dramatically
> in volume. And a much higher percentage of it would be actual support
> rather than threads on "how to do support with a mailing list"
> In the discussion you cite above you say:

"Whenever you answer at ooo-users, ALWAYS send the reply
to both the OP and the list. Period. "

I think this suggestion easily makes it onto the shortlist of candidates for
the most asinine idea ever. This list has *many* more questions from
subscribed OPs than from unsubscribed ones. Your idea would mean that every
subscribed OP would *always* get two copies of all replies and unsubscribed
users would only get one. There would thus be huge detriment to subscribed
users. It is a totally selfish idea designed to reduce your effort at the
expense of others. If you *volunteer* for something (like helping to support
OOo) you have to understand that you *will* be inconvenienced in order to
help others. That's what volunteering means. Your suggestion is exactly
counter to that concept.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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