Gene Young wrote:
Barbara Duprey wrote:
I'll try this in English -- my college German is too far behind me. Maybe somebody else can translate if necessary. I'd really like to know how he got subscribed, it seems he did not follow the normal process.

Heinz, try sending a message to first. If that doesn't result in an unsubscribe confirmation message, or if you can't reply to that, or if you get an error response, send a message to that you want to unsubscribe.

Heinz Jürgen Niewel wrote:
Ich möchte nicht! Alles klar ich bin von der

Heinz, Senden einer Nachricht versuchen, Benutzer-unsubscribe-heijunie = @ erste. Wenn das nicht zu einer Abmeldung Bestätigungs-Nachricht, oder wenn Sie nicht antworten können, dass, oder wenn Sie eine Fehlermeldung Antwort, senden Sie eine Nachricht an, dass Sie sich abmelden wollen.

Thanks, Gene -- the first mailto needs to be exactly as written, though (users, no internal spaces). but that's in the quoted part so he should be able to see that. I'll keep your answer, it might come in handy again sometime! I've asked the list owner to unsubscribe him, since he says (in another of his messages) that he doesn't read English, so he might have trouble following the confirmation process. This whole thing raises the issue of localization for the admin messages. Does anybody know if they're translated for the various language-specific mailing lists?

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