Since I worked in Windows for many years before moving to a sane OS, and
managed file associations regularly, I know that Windows does provide
resources for associating file extensions with the programs to open them.
What functionality does Windows lack that you want OOo to provide?


On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Tanstaafl <>wrote:

> On 2010-05-26 11:37 AM, jomali wrote:
> > <snip>
> >
> > Let me understand your point of view. You think that developers, most
> > of whom probably work in a *nix environment, to spend precious
> > resources > to develop functionality that only affects the windows
> > environment and is already provided by the Windows OS are arrogant?
> No.
> 1. The functionality is *not* provided by the Windows OS - such a
> statement is demonstrably false, and
> 2. I think that developers who provide a product where the vast majority
> of users are in a Windows environment, should absolutely try to make
> things better for such users, not worse.
> > Take off your blinders.
> My blinders fell off many years ago.
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