On 2010-06-13 5:19 PM, David B Teague wrote:
> On 6/13/2010 2:33 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
>> A half *hour*??? Just to *install* it???
>> On your system, the install should take considerably less than 5 
>> minutes...
>> Are you installing it over an internet connection? That's the only
>> way I can see for it to take that long.

> The tone of your remark is harsher than you perhaps meant it to be.

?? I may not be the most sensitive person in the world, but there was
not *one* *thing* about my response that even *resembles* harsh.
Methinks you need to grow a pair (yes, *that* was meant to be just a
little bit 'harsh')...

> I do not understand what you mean "installing over an internet
> connection." Everyone who does not use a CD to install OO.o must install
> from the web. One downloads the executable installer from the OOo web
> site then runs the executable installer.

Depending on the web browser and how it is configured, you can get a
dialog after clicking on a file to download that gives you the ability
to *open* a file 'over the internet'. Doing this for an executable
'installer' would cause the installer to actually *execute* over the

> Running the installation program itself takes more than 8 minutes here,
> but there are other things to do besides just run the installer.

? Running the installer on the 50+ machines here I have been maintaing
for 10 years, I have *never* had an install require more than about 3
minutes, and that was on old 800Mhz celeron machines with 256MB ram...

Any reasonably modern machine should install in less than 3 minutes.

> Fetching installer, 5+ minutes, installation, 8+ minutes.

Sorry - downloading the installer is *not* a part of the installation
process. It is a *pre-requisite* to installing the program. Having the
installation files is *always* a pre-requisite to installing *any* program.

> I ran OO.o to check settings, "load at startup" was not checked.

Not sure of the relevance... this is a configuration issue, and is *not*
part of the installation routine. It could also be considered a
*packaging* issue, if you are using a system that uses preconfigured
installation poackages (like Redhat, SuSE, Debian, etc)...

> When first started, OO.o demanded I register,

No it doesn't, it politely *asks* you if you want to register. The
default is set to yes, so if you just clicked Next/OK without reading
the dialog, as opposed to changing the radio button to 'No, never', that
is *your* fault.

> and sent me to Oracle's web site, which would not accept my login
> name and password I had retained from Suns' web site. After many
> attempts, it told me it couldn't do this because of a "server error."
> A substantial waste of time.

It is possible that there are still some issues from the transition, so
no need to be so condemning.

> The time I quoted included download, install, and registration time.

We are talking about *installation*, so it would help to not go off
point and include things that are not an actual part of the installation

> The time to download and run the installer was about 15 minutes, and
> is consistent with the time taken to install earlier versions of
> OO.o.

Again, downloading is separate from installing.

> When you respond to questions on this mailing list, it would be well
> to be more gentle.

Rotflmao!!!! Sorry David, I save 'gentle' for my wife.

When interacting on mail lists like these, I expect to be interacting
with adults, or at least reasonably mature younger people, and I act
accordingly. I suggest you do the same.

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