Todd Goatley suggested:

> Try Adobe Reader. You can save the doc in text, then open it in OO.

Thank you for your response, but:

Adobe Acrobat Reader is a Windows Program, and

Saving to a text file (equivalent to extracting the text) means that
I lose both the graphics and the rest of the page formatting, which

Is not really what I was hoping for.  I was hoping for a faithful
reproduction of the pdf file in an editable format.

In Windows (a now obsolete OS) Solid Converter PDF does a good job
of doing that, but I have not been able to run under Wine (I'm using
TheBat! version 3.99 - an email client for win - to write this with
- WineHQ informer me that version 4 won't run, but v. 3.x will).

Other commercial pdf editors/creators include Foxit but I was hoping
an opensource app was available (Ghostscript will extract to text
but as I mentioned, that's not what I have in mind).

In any case, than you for your response.

Douglas Hinds

> Email:
> Mobile mail:
> C: 775-223-0839

> Sent from myTouch 4G
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Daniel Lewis" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: [users] PDF Conversion
> Date: Fri, Dec 10, 2010 10:51
> Douglas Hinds wrote:
>> OO's ability to create pdf files is a valuable asset.
>> However, the need frequently arises to convert pdf files to a
>> editable format.

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