On Sat, 2005-08-13 at 15:39 -0600, Bruce and Kelly McLarty wrote:
> Hi! I am trying to open files which were saved on a floppy disk using
> windows program onto my openoffice program. When I go to click file
> open and go to 31/2 floppy disk and click on the file and select open
> - it automatically goes to a:/filtering options screen. If I select a
> filter it always has an error message saying general error general
> input out put error.  I have also tried to cahnge the file list but
> that doesn't seem to work either.
> I hope you can give me some insight. Thanks.
> Kelly McLarty

This is a problem with the way windows handles floppys. I suggest the
easiest thing to do is to copy the files to a tempoary folder on the
desktop, and open them in OO from the desktop.

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