Ross Johnson wrote:

On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 15:48 +0100, Anne Claar wrote:
Dear open contributor

Thank you for answering, sorry for not being clearer. I work with writer of open office 2.0, and my interface (is that what you call it?) is windows XP. I have a file of about 30 pages. It started when working on pg. 23 I wanted to scroll back, every time I tried it stopped "programme not responding" at pg. 15.

Best Wishes
Anne Claar

PS I have attached the file.

If you find it turned on then you should probably go to "Edit - Changes
- Accept or Reject" and click the "Accept All" button, or accept or
reject each change individually.

QUESTION: Regarding "accept/reject," I've not been able go from the text to the corresponding item in the table so that I can selectively A/R one change. I do see that clicking on the list brings up the corresponding text, but the list sorts by time, not by location in the document, so finding the item in the list that represent something in the text is a hit-or-miss adventure (my documents tend to be 50+ pages, edited multiple times, with LOTS of changes tracked).
There seems to be nothing in the right-click menu when a tracked change is 
selected that allows A/R of that change--appropriate for a feature suggestion?


William Flanagan        Ph:  +1.703.242.8381
Flanagan Consulting     Fx:  +1.703.242.8391
45472 Holiday Dr. #3, Sterling, VA 20166 USA

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                                       --George Bernard Shaw

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