James McKenzie wrote:
Richard Detwiler wrote:
Howard Sallee wrote:
Some one asked recently how to stop the auto correct.

There is an icon on the page that has abc and a sqiggly line under
it. Click on it and the spell check will be disabled until you click
on it again.

Useful information, but what does it have to do with the question
about autocorrect?

To control how autocorrect behaves, go to Tools > Autocorrect. There
are five tabs that control various autocorrect functions.
Maybe because it is the easiest way to fix the problem.  Clicking on the
icon does stop automatic correction of items and removes insertion of
the error marker.

James McKenzie

Then this might be version and/or OS dependent. I'm on version 2.0.2 and on Windows XP, and when I click off the icon mentioned (abc with a squiggly line under it), it does stop the real time spell checking (so a misspelled word is no longer flagged with the red squiggly line), but it does not stop autocorrection. For example, if I type "teh", this is still auto corrected to "the". So this icon on my system and version does not have any impact on autocorrection.

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