On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:15:53 +0100, Herbert Eppel wrote:

> On 22.09.2006 01:38 UK Time, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
>> Herbert Eppel wrote:
>>> Is there a good reason why the only "Change Case" options offered by OOo
>>> appear to be upper or lower case?
>>> I also find the "Sentence Case" and "Title Case" options offered by MS
>>> Word useful.
>> http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/style/CaseMap.html
>> It looks like the support:
>> NONE     The case of the characters is unchanged. UPPERCASE     All 
>> characters are put in upper case. LOWERCASE     All characters are put 
>> in lower case. TITLE     The first character of each word is put in 
>> upper case. SMALLCAPS     All characters are put in upper case, but with 
>> a smaller font height.
>> Use Format | Character | Effects to set this using the GUI
> Hi Andrew,
> thanks for your reply, and sorry about the delay in acknowledging it.
> It seems odd that OOo offers upper/lower case under Format > Change Case 
> and a larger set of options (albeit without "Sentence Case") under 
> Format > Character> Font Effects.
> Is there any logic behind this?

One downside to it is that pasting into a plain text, or even
rich text, editor will not carry over the case changes. I believe
making these hard format changes would be the right thing to do.

Using OOo 2.0.3 on Win XP sp2.

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