Today I got another reply: Russell Butler guiding me to "Regular Expression"
and the table. Thank you.

Yes, now I know that Help has a lot of information under 'regular
However, this was not intuitive to me. I searched all the lines under
'finding' and also under 'replacing'.... because this is what I wanted: find
& replace paragraph x tab.

I think it would be easier if Help could have a note under 'finding' and/or
'replace' to guide new users (used to MS Office, like me) to search for
details on 'regular expression'.

Anyway, thank you for the two answers I got. At least now I am more prepared
to use OOo. I am spreading the word about OmegaT in my group and to use this
great tool we need to convert .doc files into ODF, so that is the reason to
learn more about OOo.


Thelma L. Sabim
(512) 837-5708
ATA (USA) & ABRATES (Brasil) Certified Translator from English into

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