On Tuesday April  03 2007 1:27 pm, Ross Bernheim wrote:
> On Apr 3, 2007, at 8:39, James Knott wrote:
> > Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
> >> Mathias Bauer wrote:
> >>> Dan Lewis wrote:
> >>>>        Then don't complain about accuracy. It is there, but as
> >>>> you say, you have chosen not to use it as a matter of
> >>>> principle. Remember that OOo was originally a German office
> >>>> suite which Sun Microsystems bought.
> >>>
> >>> The use of the metric system by default is not motivated by the
> >>> german
> >>> roots of OOo. The metric system is just the standard.
> >>
> >> Whilst I was having a little joke at Dan's expense - and my dig
> >> was at the French origins of the metric system, not the German
> >> usage of it - there is a serious point to be made. If OOo is
> >> prepared to support the Imperial system of measurements, then
> >> usable support would be a good thing. 1/100 mm is entirely
> >> different to 1/100 inch and the correction of this deficiency
> >> would surely not be a major coding exercise.
> >
> > Then again, there are only two backwards countries in the world
> > that are still stuck with using imperial system: Brunei and U.S..
> >  Get with the times and the problem goes away.
> >
> > BTW, you can thank Ronald Reagan for keeping the U.S. in an
> > obsolete system.  Jimmy (Peanut) Carter had brought in plans to
> > switch. Incidentally IIRC, the metric system is the legal
> > measurement system in the U.S..
> Since the 1700's due to a little spat with the English. Though it
> is generally not used except where there is a great economic
> advantage to be gained. Booze went to 750ml bottles as it was
> slightly smaller than the previous 4/5 of a quart and they could
> charge the same and pocket the extra profit. In some states it
> is illegal to sell some food items in metric measures!
> Ross Bernheim

    This should really be taken to the Discuss mailing list because it 
has gotten completely off topic. However, if you are talking about 
some states in the USA, then probably every food and beverage company 
doing business in that state is breaking the law. (2 and 3 liter soft 
drinks, most grocery items listed in both weight systems, etc.)


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