Does openoffice read Linux and if so, how do I set it up to read Linux.  I
have a DB working on Linux (which I do not understand) on a separate PC. I
now want to change the format and someone told me to use openoffice to set
up a new DB but import the Linux data over, is this possible??

So your question is, can you use OOo to connect to a remote Linux DB - correct?

The answer is only full of further questions. What sort of DB is it
(without this simple answer its hard to provide a definite response)?
Do you 'own' both machines - this will make authorising the connecting
portion a little better? Is the DB ODBC compliant? Is there
connectivity (ie, lan) that can be used?

Generally OOo Base component can connect to any DB (running on local
machine or remotely) that is JDBC / ODBC compliant. In practice there
are alot of other things to sort out.


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