On Wednesday May  16 2007 7:43 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am using the 2.0 version of openoffice.  However, I've downloaded
> Microsoft Office Word as well, and would prefer Word to be my
> primary word  processing program.  My problem is that when I create
> a document in Word,  it is saved in Open Office, which doesn't have
> some of the editing features of  Word.  The question is how do I
> make Word the primary without removing  OpenOffice?
> Thanks,
> R. Smith, JR.

     What you have is a file association problem. What you are seeing 
in the Windows Explorer is only that. Windows uses icons to show what 
program opens the file when the file is double clicked. It has 
nothing to do with the file format at all.
     To do what you want to do, open Windows Explorer and browse to 
the folder containing your Word documents. Right click on one of 
these files and select Open With from the menu. A window opens with a 
list of programs. Scroll down to the Microsoft Word listing, and 
click it to highlight it. Then check the box at the bottom of the 
window labeled always open this type file with this program. (Or 
words to that effect.) Then click OK. The icons for the Word 
documents should have just changed back to the Word icon.


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