Joao Santos wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Joao, and I was wondering if you could answer me this question:
> Can Open Office (and other free/opensource software) be accused of stealing
> the intellectual property of other programs (in O.o.'s  case Microsoft
> Office)??
> Does OpenOffice infringe the intellectual property of Microsoft Office? if
> not, why not?
> I would be thankful if you could answer me this question. Thanks alot.
Microsoft has often made such claims, but has yet to show any evidence
of it.  Until they're prepared to specify what, if anything, is
infringing there's nothing to worry about.

BTW, MS has a long history of  creating "FUD" to discourage people from
using competing products.  This is undoubtedly more of the same.

You may want to read this article about MS & Linux.

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