Joao Santos wrote:
> Wow.
> Well, I'm just a normal user (student, high school) who wants to keep
> it legal. That's why I'm asking questions. I very much like the
> opensource alternatives, but some questions appeared in my mind: are
> those alternatives legal? Aren't they just "free copies"? Isn't that
> an infringement of somekind? These kind of questions.

It is a free version of Sun's StarOffice and entirely independent of any
Microsoft product.
> Thanks for the answer, although, I didn't ask for the "attack" on Bill
> Gates. What? His errors justify our own? Because he stole we can too?
Not to justify, but to point out Microsoft hypocrisy.  They  make a lot
of noise about protecting their IP, when they don't show any such
consideration to many others.
> No problem, though ;) Thanks alot for taking the time to answer me.
> - João
> On 10/18/07, *James Knott* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     James Knott wrote:
>     > Joao Santos wrote:
>     >
>     >> Hello,
>     >>
>     >> My name is Joao, and I was wondering if you could answer me
>     this question:
>     >>
>     >> Can Open Office (and other free/opensource software) be accused
>     of stealing
>     >> the intellectual property of other programs (in O.o.'s  case
>     Microsoft
>     >> Office)??
>     >>
>     >> Does OpenOffice infringe the intellectual property of Microsoft
>     Office? if
>     >> not, why not?
>     >>
>     >> I would be thankful if you could answer me this question.
>     Thanks alot.
>     >>
>     >>
>     >>
>     > Microsoft has often made such claims, but has yet to show any
>     evidence
>     > of it.  Until they're prepared to specify what, if anything, is
>     > infringing there's nothing to worry about.
>     >
>     > BTW, MS has a long history of  creating "FUD" to discourage
>     people from
>     > using competing products.  This is undoubtedly more of the same.
>     >
>     > You may want to read this article about MS & Linux.
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     I forgot to mention, MS has a long and expensive history of infringing
>     on other companies technology.  They are one of the worst in this
>     respect.  This goes right back to when Bill Gates sold DOS to IBM
>     before
>     he owned it and then bought QDOS which infringed on CP/M, which then
>     became MS-DOS & PC-DOS.   You can even go back to his days at
>     Harvard,
>     when he'd dumpster dive, to get his hands on other people's code and
>     then, contrary to Harvard rules against commercial use, used a
>     computer
>     there to develop BASIC for the Altair 8800.  He then accused
>     hobbyists
>     of stealing a paper tape of BASIC and distributing it, apparently
>     forgetting that many who received a copy had paid for Altair BASIC but
>     never received it.  Steve Ballmer is a loud mouth idiot and it's long
>     past time for him to put up or shut up.

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