James Knott wrote:
> Joao Santos wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My name is Joao, and I was wondering if you could answer me this question:
>> Can Open Office (and other free/opensource software) be accused of stealing
>> the intellectual property of other programs (in O.o.'s  case Microsoft
>> Office)??
>> Does OpenOffice infringe the intellectual property of Microsoft Office? if
>> not, why not?
>> I would be thankful if you could answer me this question. Thanks alot.
> Microsoft has often made such claims, but has yet to show any evidence
> of it.  Until they're prepared to specify what, if anything, is
> infringing there's nothing to worry about.
> BTW, MS has a long history of  creating "FUD" to discourage people from
> using competing products.  This is undoubtedly more of the same.
> You may want to read this article about MS & Linux.
> http://www.linux-watch.com/news/NS9559417024.html

I forgot to mention, MS has a long and expensive history of infringing
on other companies technology.  They are one of the worst in this
respect.  This goes right back to when Bill Gates sold DOS to IBM before
he owned it and then bought QDOS which infringed on CP/M, which then
became MS-DOS & PC-DOS.   You can even go back to his days at Harvard,
when he'd dumpster dive, to get his hands on other people's code and
then, contrary to Harvard rules against commercial use, used a computer
there to develop BASIC for the Altair 8800.  He then accused hobbyists
of stealing a paper tape of BASIC and distributing it, apparently
forgetting that many who received a copy had paid for Altair BASIC but
never received it.  Steve Ballmer is a loud mouth idiot and it's long
past time for him to put up or shut up.

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