Mike B. wrote:
At 10/18/2007 06:14 PM, you wrote:
tina wrote:

The windows box says "All versions >98". That includes all winows versions from Windows 98. This is the correct download for XP.

"All versions >98" does mean that...if you are computer literate and know the history of Windows. If you aren't, it might mean "all versions that are Windows 98", or maybe just look like noise.

Technopeasants might not be able to tell whether Windows NT was before or after Windows 98 in the scheme of things for instance (it was released before, but it is still better and runs OOo anyway, so ">98" isn't really correct anyway. The simple "greater than" idea ignores the fact that there were two lines of descent until XP).

Is there room in the box for separate entries for each Windows version that all link to exactly the same place? Or maybe list the ones it *won't* work with, like Win 3.1 and Win95, somewhere?

Anything that might cut down on the repeat questions about how to get the software or what it will run on...

-- Mike B.
I did not do the screen design. I was just answering the question in such a way as I hoped the questioner would get something extra out of it. I don't consider people who don't know the same facts that I do as 'peasants', just people who don't know the same things I do. As far as I know tina could be the director of a multinational NGO or a world famous artist.

I have also never noticed that question from someone running NT, most likely because someone running NT would not need to ask, since NT would be considered > 98 in another way since it was supposed to be a multi-user operating system. And, if we're really picking at things, ">98", would really not be inclusive of 98, since the ">" means "greater than" not "greater than or equal to". I thought of explaining that but really did not want to get into the website being wrong.

You can feel free to find out how to ask for a change to the website. I looked a while ago and didn't see how.


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