"Harold Fuchs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Also, dear readers, even though the e-mail address I used for this test is
> *not* subscribed to users@openoffice.org, there is *no* "delivered to
> moderator" header in the e-mail generated by gmane from my post. So the
> presence of a "delivered to moderator" header means that the user is not
> subscribed, but the absence of such a header gives no information at all.

Is it safe to assume the following:

1) "Delivered to moderator" means the user sent an e-mail to the mailing 
list, but is not subscribed to the mailing list, so any replies to the list 
will not be seen by the user (unless a CC is sent).

2) The absence of "Delivered to moderator" means the user is either:
a) sending to the mailing list and is subscribed to the mailing list, or
b) is using gmane and not the mailing list.

In either case [a) or b)], a simple reply will be seen by the user - either 
via the mailing list [a)], or via gmane [b)], presuming they are still 
reading gmane.

> One can tell the message came via gmane because there's a
> "X-Injected-Via-Gmane:
> http://gmane.org/"; header.
> Also, this list seems to go to "gmane.comp.openoffice.questions" and *not*
> to "gmane.comp.openoffice.general". Does anyone know what the "general"
> group is please?

See http://www.openoffice.org/mail_list.html for mailing list/gmane mapping.

Bob Long

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