On 29/10/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Harold:
> You seem to be knowledgeable on this subject, so I ask of you:
> I use Forte Agent to view   gmane.comp.openoffice.general.
> I want to reply to a msg so I need to subscribe. OK
> Now that I have responded to the auto-response msg I get many e-mails
> to that e-mail address.
> I don't want ANY e-mails coming in because I read them via Agent.
> So how does one set up to read via Agent & send msgs via Agent without
> getting e-mail sent to that address?
> (I think this is why so many people are sending this"Stop sending mail
> to me please" msg.....
> Thanks for your help, Greg
> (my being able to send this msg is because I set it up 'years ago' to
> an e-mail address that lost it's server loong ago  ;-)  & don't
> remember how !!!)
As a result of a test I conducted, which you may have seen, I can now say
that my previous answer was not the best. The solution I gave you would work
but there's a better way.

The point is, as others have said here, that you do *not* have to be
subscribed to users@openoffice.org to be able to read it and write to it via
a news reader plugged into the gmane news server. So, point your news reader
at news.gmane.org and read all you like. When you want to send, just do it
(new post or reply). You will get an e-mail back requesting authorisation
from *gmane* (*not* from openoffice.org). Reply to it. You will get one more
message from gmane confirming that you are now authorised and saying that
your post will appear within the next 10 minutes. You will not get any more
e-mails from gmane and you won't get any at all from openoffice.org

Also, dear readers, even though the e-mail address I used for this test is
*not* subscribed to users@openoffice.org, there is *no* "delivered to
moderator" header in the e-mail generated by gmane from my post. So the
presence of a "delivered to moderator" header means that the user is not
subscribed, but the absence of such a header gives no information at all.

One can tell the message came via gmane because there's a
http://gmane.org/"; header.

Also, this list seems to go to "gmane.comp.openoffice.questions" and *not*
to "gmane.comp.openoffice.general". Does anyone know what the "general"
group is please?

Harold Fuchs
London, England
Please reply *only* to users@openoffice.org

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