Mike Shearer wrote:

I'm now using OO 2.3, but the following were true also of 2.2. I'm fairly new to OO after decades of MS office modules. The context is that I'm building a simple database and using a form to input data. I'd appreciate information or advice on the following:

1. why does the form always open with "(read only)" displayed, yet new data can be entered, and saved.

2. search does not work. No matter what I try, the result is always "Search key not found". It is the same whether the entire table or a column is selected on which to search, and playing with the various options makes no difference.

3. One of my columns contains dates. The input format is very restricting - such as the year cannot be assumed to be the current year, and omitted. Is there a way of getting more flexibility in inputted date formats?

4. One of the columns contains $$ data, but it displays as ordinary decimal values with no decimal point unless cents are involved, and trailing zeroes are dropped. Is there any way of displaying currency values in the usual format?

thanks in advance.

Mike Shearer

Hi Mike,

Well, you changed the subject line on a post and it just slipped into an other wise read thread on my email reader....naughty...LOL

1) Base uses a Writer document for the basis of its forms. When the form is opened in data entry mode the layout of the document, the placement of the controls that is, is locked - Read Only - in other words. That is all that this is - silly that they don't remove that form the title bar isn't it.

2) Here I am going to take a guess - You are using the wrong search function. If you look at a data entry form you will find two toolbars with two tool buttons using the exact same icon for search - a set of Binoculars in the default icon set any way. The one you want to use found on the data navigation toolbar, usually found at the bottom of the - for a visual on that see this graphic:

This brings up the Search Record dialog box

This search record is available in either the datagrid view ( double clicking on a table name ) or on a form. When used on a form you can search any sub-forms also:

If you are getting a different search dialog you are using the wrong function.

3) NO - LOL - well, OK that was blunt. This is dependent on the database engine you are using - connect to MySQL and yes, use the embedded HSQLdb or most other RDBMS and the answer is NO.

4) You got a great answer on this question already...


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