On 16/01/2008 12:52, Joseph (Ragweed) wrote:
I know this might not be completely on topic, but I have a problem with OOo 

When my Norton does a full system scan, it gets hung up on the following folder:

c:\Program Files\OpenOffice 2.3\share\config\images_crystal.zip

Any ideas why this occurs and how I can stop it??


What happens if you double click the file in an Explorer window? It *should* open in Winzip or equivalent. If the program that opens the file complains about its contents then the file is corrupt. Otherwise it **probably** isn't. You could go one further and try to extract the file's contents into a temp directory. If that works then the file was not corrupt. Don't forget to delete the extracted files, and empty the recycle bin, afterwards otherwise you'll waste a lot of disk space.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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