> 2008/5/22 Ken Trunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> HELP!
>> I just downloaded Open Office thru my association with Michael
>> Lancto's "My Team 2000" and onced the dowload was complete and I
>> attempted to open one of the tabs I got the msg that my Browser
>> needs to be updated to use this systtem? .
>> Additionally when I attempted to Log-In I waa informed that my
>> username was already in use, seriously, I don't believe I was aksed
>> for my User Name or Password when I started.  Should I uninstall and
>> start over?
>> I am open for your opinion and advise.
>> Thank You
>> Ken Trunk
>> 770-567-5104

Ken, just for grins I did a little checking; you are aware of course 
that Google carries 2.7 million messages about my team 2000 spams, 
right?  Just do a search for      my team 2000 +spam and you'll see what 
I was looking at.  I also see them and their "boss" IPs on several RBLs. 
Looks like kind of a mess.
   Careful; hope you didn't pay for Open Office - it's free with no 
strings attached from openoffice.org.

Just my 2 ¢

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