jerry wrote:
I was trying to do a simple spread sheet with your product....I wasn't
able to save my project with the lines.
In other words, when I reopened my project, the lines were gone.
Also, I can't seem to open with Microsoft Word or Excell...... I thought
Open Office was compatible?
I had my co-workers try also...They couldn't figure it out either.
I was hoping Open Ofiice would be "User Friendly" :-(
I may have to just Un-Install your product, as it doesn't seem to meet
my needs.
What operating system are you using? What version of (OOo)? Where did you get it -- downloading from the website, or elsewhere? What lines are you referring to? The default cell borders, formatting you did to cell borders, lines you drew? Did you change the View option for Calc (under Tools > Options) at some point? We'll need a bit more information about how you created the lines, what you had when you were seeing them, and exactly what changed when you saved and reopened. Then we'll probably be able to help you.

Calc defaults to the ISO standard Open Document Format filetype (.ods) when you save, and Excel currently doesn't read that filetype. You need to do a Save As, choose the Excel filetype (.xls), and make sure that the option specifies saving the extension. Excel should then be able to open your spreadsheet just fine. Similarly, documents created in Writer have to be saved in Word format for Word to read them. Another thing to be aware of is that the Office 2007 formats (extensions ending with x) are just beginning to be readable by some versions of, so it's probably best to avoid them for now.

User friendliness is in the eye of the beholder, of course, but many, many people have found OOo to be an excellent alternative to MS Office. You'll get furthest if you just ask the users on this mailing list for help with questions stated as specifically as possible. By the way, messages to this list are archived in a lot of places for public viewing -- it is probably not a good idea to include personal data like addresses and phone numbers.

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