At 18:33 19/10/2007, Klaus Darilion wrote:
>Yes, RFC 3261 says case sensitive - but if my domain has the policy to have 
>case insensitive usernames, but domains are also case insensitive, then you 
>can save lots of support tickets. E.g. there are many users which configure 
>their clients with sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (or 
>vice versa).

Just to make it clear -- that's not an RFC3261 bug -- the interop reasoning is 
you can't
change things you don't "own", what you do about your own stuff nobody cares. 
You can't
forward [EMAIL PROTECTED] to other domain as [EMAIL PROTECTED] because you 
don't know if the
other domain is case-sensitive or not. If you translare klaus.darilion to kd or 
or whatever localy, you don't conflict with the RFC -- making URIs more 
"accurate" to
get them to the proper recepient is the key role of a proxy server.



Jiri Kuthan  

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