On Friday 19 October 2007, Jiri Kuthan wrote:
> >How do you find out the UUID from an URI?
> Not sure what the openser's best recommended way is, but a short look at
> the data structures tells me that the ID is part of the subscribers
> structure...
> subscriber.xml:
>    <column id="id">
>         <name>id</name>
>         <type>unsigned int</type>
> So it is just about looking at the manuals where the lookup is actually
> being done. I was guessing the id lookup to be part of auth module but
> haven't find it there, some folks with better knowledge of the openser
> diffs will hopefuly help to navigate to the right place.

Hello Jiri, Klaus,

the unique id is at the moment not used in the auth_db module. The username 
and if wanted additionally the domain is used for db lookup.



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