At 17:34 19/10/2007, Christian Schlatter wrote:

>I don't understand why [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not unique enough?

sometimes it is [EMAIL PROTECTED], sometimes [EMAIL PROTECTED],
sometimes it is [EMAIL PROTECTED] or even worse you can take your spouses'
name and from day D you begin to be [EMAIL PROTECTED], and your company
gets acquired and you become [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Which clients without
DNS/SRV can try to reach as [EMAIL PROTECTED], and those who pay
extra respect to you using capital letters as [EMAIL PROTECTED])

The implication to sanity of data in usrloc, accounting and other tables is 
if you don't bring those to a common denominator. Any change to any name becomes
a real pain. The point is names do changes, use of numbers is designed to make
relations between tables invariable.

>According to RFC 3261 section 19.1.4, SIP usernames are case sensitive, so you 
>actually shouldn't convert them to upper/lower-case. 

That's a protocol thing. An example implication is that you shall not forward 
SIP request
to other domains whilst changing the URI.

However, if you are processing a request for your domain, you own the username 
and the way
you process it is subject to your policy. You can use an LDAP alias to expand to
other URI, you can do call-forwarding by rewriting the URI to something 
else, you can expand a speed-dial to a full URI, you can do anything you desire
with the username you own. I personally prefer to ignore case, but the key point
is you are allowed to and should set a coherent policy on how you deal with 

>And user/domain aliases is a different issue since it always involves some 
>kind of alias mapping lookup.

That's the separate things following the same scheme indeed. If you don't want 
do a data migration story on any name change, use IDs, for example UUIDs.


>>See above inline for what happens when you do it other ways. In any case
>>that's how unambiguous behaviour shall be achieved in a "water-proof" way.
>>>So, I do not see any fundamental error here, given the subject of the 
>>looking up user data by his username as opposed to by id is just very poor 
>>let's face it. (those familiar with unix may find too that usernames are used
>>as input/output user-interface thing, but the OS actually operates over 
>>The funny part is that getting things right is apparently not a big deal in 
>>case, but getting it wrong can cause big headaches.
>>I am not sure though what of it is coding and what of it is configuration 
>>thing in openser, I'm sure some will know.
>>Jiri Kuthan  
>>Users mailing list
>Jiri Kuthan  

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