Christian Schlatter wrote:
Jiri Kuthan wrote:
At 12:52 19/10/2007, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:

On 10/19/07 13:35, Jiri Kuthan wrote:
I think the fundemental error here is you look up users by URI as opposed to a unique identifier. -jiri
Well, the issue remains, how you lookup the unique id. You need to do it via username and/or parts of the sip message. You can load avps or do any other operations using unique ID in openser, for some time now, that is not an issue. Apart of that, there are other values that are used in the config or modules, that may, or may not require case insensitive comparison and one cannot assign unique id for each.

What I consider a proper behaviour is 1) getting usernames into a normalized string form (%-escapes, upper/lower-case, local
   naming policies, internatilization, ettc., etc.)
   - failure not to do so is likely to result in mismatch
2) translation of normaized names into unambiguous unique ids
- failure to do is is likely to caused difficulties with aliases (domain aliases,
     user aliases, combination of both)
3) doing subsequent operations using ids.

I don't understand why [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not unique enough?

According to RFC 3261 section 19.1.4, SIP usernames are case sensitive, so you actually shouldn't convert them to upper/lower-case. And user/domain aliases is a different issue since it always involves some kind of alias mapping lookup.

Yes, RFC 3261 says case sensitive - but if my domain has the policy to have case insensitive usernames, but domains are also case insensitive, then you can save lots of support tickets. E.g. there are many users which configure their clients with sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (or vice versa).


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