On February 25, 2020 8:18:20 PM GMT+02:00, adrianquint...@gmail.com wrote:
>In our case the VDO was created during oVirt HCI setup. So I am trying
>to determine how it gets mounted
>As far as I can tell this is the config is as follows:
>[root@host1 ~]# vdo printConfigFile
>config: !Configuration
>  vdos:
>    vdo_sdc: !VDOService
>      _operationState: finished
>      ackThreads: 1
>      activated: enabled
>      bioRotationInterval: 64
>      bioThreads: 4
>      blockMapCacheSize: 128M
>      blockMapPeriod: 16380
>      compression: enabled
>      cpuThreads: 2
>      deduplication: enabled
>      device: /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-3600508b1001cd70935270813aca97c44
>      hashZoneThreads: 1
>      indexCfreq: 0
>      indexMemory: 0.25
>      indexSparse: disabled
>      indexThreads: 0
>      logicalBlockSize: 512
>      logicalSize: 7200G
>      logicalThreads: 1
>      name: vdo_sdc
>      physicalSize: 781379416K
>      physicalThreads: 1
>      readCache: enabled
>      readCacheSize: 20M
>      slabSize: 32G
>      writePolicy: auto
>  version: 538380551
>filename: /etc/vdoconf.yml
>[root@host1 ~]# lsblk /dev/sdc
>NAME                                MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE 
>sdc                                   8:32   0 745.2G  0 disk  
>├─3600508b1001cd70935270813aca97c44 253:6    0 745.2G  0 mpath 
>└─vdo_sdc                           253:21   0     7T  0 vdo   
>└─gluster_vg_sdc-gluster_lv_data  253:22   0     7T  0 lvm  
>I know that vdo_sdc is the TYPE="LVM2_member", this from /etc/fstab
>/dev/mapper/vdo_sdc: UUID="gsaPfw-agoW-HZ3o-ly0W-wjb3-YqvL-266SnR"
>UUID="8a94b876-baf2-442c-9e7f-6573308c8ef3" TYPE="xfs"
> --- Physical volumes ---
>  PV Name               /dev/mapper/vdo_sdc     
>  PV UUID               gsaPfw-agoW-HZ3o-ly0W-wjb3-YqvL-266SnR
>  PV Status             allocatable
>  Total PE / Free PE    1843199 / 0
>Am am trying to piece  things together, I am doing more research on VDO
>in an HCI oVirt setup.
>In the meantime any help is welcome.
>Thanks again,
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Hi Adrian,

It seems that /dev/sdc (persistent name 
/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-3600508b1001cd70935270813aca97c44) is  a  PV in Volume 
Group 'gluster_vg_sdc' and the LV 'gluster_lv_data' is mounted as your brick .
So you have:
                                               Gluster Brick
                                      gluster_lv_data -> LV
                           gluster_vg_sdc -> VG
                   gsaPfw-agoW-HZ3o-ly0W-wjb3-YqvL-266SnR -> PV's UUID
         /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-3600508b1001cd70935270813aca97c44 -> multipath 
with 1 leg
/dev/sdc  -> block device

Note: You should avoid using multipath for local drvices.
In order to do that , you can put the  following in your  /etc/multipath.conf 
to prevent vdsm from modifying it:

And you should blacklist the wwid:
blacklist {
wwid 3600508b1001cd70935270813aca97c44

To verify the multipath.conf  run:
multipath -v3  and check for any errors .
Once you modify /etc/multupath.conf  and you verified  it  with 'multipath -v3' 
 , you should update the initramfs:
'dracut -f'

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
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