Hi Carlos,

In case of removing from ArrayList something and refreshing list - There
are Beads for that purpose. Maybe it is a good subject for blog post. You
should go through old examples in our repo.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2018, 12:48 AM Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>

> I think I fixed Point 7
> Seems, container need width 100% for items to expand to fill all available
> width. This makes me think if we need to double properties and have
> "itemsHorizontalExpand" and "itemsVerticalExpand" ? what do you think?
> I added the property to HGroup as well.
> Try this with latest commit:
> <j:Card width="600">
> <html:H3 text="Test"/>
> <j:HGroup itemsExpand="true" gap="3">
> <j:Button text="Hello"/>
> <j:Button text="Apache"/>
> <j:Button text="Royale!!!!"/>
> </j:HGroup>
> </j:Card>
> HGroup fills all the Card space and then items fills all available space
> inside HGroup
> Best
> Carlos
> El vie., 17 ago. 2018 a las 0:30, Carlos Rovira (<carlosrov...@apache.org>)
> escribió:
>> I forgot to ask you an important question: Comparing with Angular:
>> *could you let us know you thoughts about both versions?
>> * do you think Royale needs something you miss from working with Angular?
>> (taking into account that we are still bringing more components and
>> features, but I mean from a pure technology - framework point comparison).
>> *Are you happy with what Royale gives you?
>> *Will you recommend Royale to others thinking in use Angular, React,
>> Vue...?
>> I think this kind of questionary will throw great information since you
>> work with both and will give us extremely valuable information! :)
>> Thanks
>> Carlos
>> El vie., 17 ago. 2018 a las 0:00, Carlos Rovira (<carlosrov...@apache.org>)
>> escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> amazing! Thanks for sharing this work and point us the issues! This will
>>> be of great help to see the issues you found and personally is great to see
>>> something done with Jewel finally due the amount of work I invested on this
>>> UI set in the last months :))
>>> For others, I think the Angular version direct link is this (If I'm
>>> wrong let us know): https://stackblitz.com/angular/xvljjerybxj
>>> About the issues. I'll try to answer some of them and hope others join
>>> us to analyze over what I could say:
>>> El jue., 16 ago. 2018 a las 19:10, 芋頭爛 (<yest...@gmail.com>) escribió:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I use royale 0.9.3(nightly) to implement Tour of Heroes(Angular).
>>>> here is live demo
>>>> https://z3idxk1hh5asgqpvhvftra-on.drv.tw/royale-heroes/#
>>>> It runs on Chrome well, but IE 11 no good...
>>>> I find some issue when develop the tour of heroes.
>>>> 1. Does royale have something like mx:Repeater or s:DataGroup, now I
>>>> always use j:List, but the UI does not need rollover, selected....etc
>>> Yes, DataGroup is in Core swc. Repeater, I think doesn't exists, but
>>> since the later is from Flex 3, I think is not missed.
>>> In Royale, DataGroup is a ContainerContentArea and can be added to a
>>> component as a IContentView vía CSS, so components will use DataGroup or
>>> other component you create.
>>> DataGroup is based on ItemRenderers to paint the data you set in
>>> dataProvider.
>>> For example the new Jewel Table that I'm working on this days uses a
>>> TBodyContentArea that is in essence like a DataGroup and implements its
>>> API. In Table the tbody part (the body of the table)
>>> is the component part that uses the dataProvider to paint the data. Then
>>> we have optional parts that are the Chrome (thead and tfoot) both
>>> implements IChrome.
>>> the IContentView as well can be a ViewPort so it can be scrollable
>>> (ScrollingViewPort).
>>> The ItemRenderers and the data provider mapper you use will be
>>> responsible of transform the data into visual pieces. Coming back to table
>>> the TableItemRenderer is the renderer that is used in table (and probably
>>> I'll do others to avoid rollover or selection), and
>>> TableItemRendererForCollectionView is the mapper that loops over the
>>> dataProvider and create the item renderers.
>>> I think with that you can have all things you need.
>>>> 2. [Bindable]
>>>>     private var static ary:ArrayList = new ArrayList(["AA","BB","CC"]);
>>>>     That will cause page blank....because "static"
>>>>     If I must use static, the ArrayList construct must be empty.
>>>>     private var static ary:ArrayList = new ArrayList();  // this work
>>>> well
>>> Ok here, maybe Alex or Harbs could give some light on this
>>> 3. When call ArrayList.removeAll(), the j:List does not refresh. Must
>>>> call ArrayList.removeItemAt() for each.
>>> I didn't test that part, so maybe is a bug, could you try to fix it and
>>> send us a pull request to review it? Let me know if you can. Thanks in
>>> advance!
>>>> 4. Seems Royale has no VectorList, So I can't use Vector.<> for
>>>> databinding
>>> Again something for others to comment on this.
>>>> 5. j:TextInput change event will trigger after typed, but also
>>>> triggered when focus out
>>> mmm...I think change trigger after type is ok, in focus out I'm not
>>> sure, hope others could let us know what they think about it.
>>>> 6. j:HGroup itemsVerticalAlign not worked
>>> I just fixed this in a commit just now based on your report
>>> try this code:
>>> <j:HGroup itemsVerticalAlign="itemsCentered">
>>> <j:Button height="200"/>
>>> <j:Button height="50"/>
>>> <j:Button height="100"/>
>>> </j:HGroup>
>>>> 7. j:List use beads j:HorizontalLayout itemsExpand, not worked and
>>>> cause page blank.
>>> I'll check it, and report, maybe that property is not fully implemented
>>> in all layouts.
>>> 8. How to use org.apache.royale.routing, does it use with j:Navigation
>>> I still couldn't see routing code
>>> I think routing was done by Alex and maybe he can share some docs or how
>>> is done so we can try it. Routing is something many people want us to
>>> provide, is just a matter to finish other things and reach to it, or even
>>> provide some pull request to make it happen now :)
>>>> 9. If use typeNames attribute, compile debug is ok, but compile release
>>>> will miss it.
>>> great, I think maybe this can be related to some problems I found with
>>> typeNames, I'll investigate it
>>>> Thanks. I like apache royale.
>>> Thanks for using it to make this! :)
>>> Maybe we could solve the problems you find and prepare it a bit more to
>>> publish on website? We're open, so let us know what you prefer. You can
>>> write an article so we can publish it as a full article with the code and
>>> example. As well if you have a website and want to publish, we can point to
>>> your article. As you prefer! :)
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Carlos Rovira
>>> http://about.me/carlosrovira
>> --
>> Carlos Rovira
>> http://about.me/carlosrovira
> --
> Carlos Rovira
> http://about.me/carlosrovira

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