Answers inline.

From: 芋頭爛 <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 10:10 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Tour of Heroes(Angular) of Royale version


I use royale 0.9.3(nightly) to implement Tour of Heroes(Angular).
here is live demo<>

It runs on Chrome well, but IE 11 no good...

I find some issue when develop the tour of heroes.

  1.  Does royale have something like mx:Repeater or s:DataGroup, now I always 
use j:List, but the UI does not need rollover, selected....etc
Try DataContainer.  I think it is used in the ASDoc example.

2. [Bindable]
    private var static ary:ArrayList = new ArrayList(["AA","BB","CC"]);
    That will cause page blank....because "static"
    If I must use static, the ArrayList construct must be empty.
    private var static ary:ArrayList = new ArrayList();  // this work well

I thought this was working.  I will look more into it this weekend.  Did you 
try public vs private static var?

3. When call ArrayList.removeAll(), the j:List does not refresh. Must call 
ArrayList.removeItemAt() for each.
Looks like Piotr answer this.
4. Seems Royale has no VectorList, So I can't use Vector.<> for databinding
Can you show us in code what you want to do?  Keep in mind that Vector doesn’t 
really exist in JS so will be implemented as an Array.

5. j:TextInput change event will trigger after typed, but also triggered when 
focus out
Is this the way it is working now or the way you want it to work?  I don’t know 
that we have focus events working properly, but this sort of question is one 
reason where there are beads in Royale.  One kind of TextInput view/controller 
can dispatch change events on each change and another can dispatch change 
events only when focus out.

6. j:HGroup itemsVerticalAlign not worked
7. j:List use beands j:HorizontalLayout itemsExpand, not worked and cause page 
8. How to use org.apache.royale.routing, does it use with j:Navigation

There is to “automatic” routing.  We have classes that you can use to determine 
the route, but currently there is no code that knows what to do with the route. 
 What do you want to happen if there is a route specified?

9. If use typeNames attribute, compile debug is ok, but compile release will 
miss it.
I think that should work, although we do not recommend altering typeNames in 
application code.   Use className instead.  TypeNames is intended for component 


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