Hi Taro,

El sáb., 18 ago. 2018 a las 7:16, Yu.Taro (<yest...@gmail.com>) escribió:

> Hi Carlos
> I just test the sample code with nightly build #1180, that is not work
> The j:HGroup output html source code is as below
> <div class="jewel layout horizontal gap-3x3px">
> still missing "itemsExpand" in class

I tried it in JewelExample and this is the code

<j:Card width="600">
        <html:H3 text="items expand test"/>

        <j:HGroup itemsExpand="true" gap="3">
            <j:Button text="Hello"/>
            <j:Button text="Apache"/>
            <j:Button text="Royale!!!!"/>


<div class="jewel card layout vertical gap-3x3px" style="width: 600px;"><h3
class="">items expand test</h3><div class="jewel layout horizontal
itemsExpand gap-3x3px"><button type="button" class="jewel
button">Hello</button><button type="button" class="jewel
button">Apache</button><button type="button" class="jewel



This is with code already committed, so maybe the your local build is not
refreshing right?

> About "itemsHorizontalExpand" and "itemsVerticalExpand" properties
> did you mean that in this example
>  if <j:HGroup itemsHorizontalExpand="true">
>  then <j:Card> will background auto set width 100% if user not specified
> width

mmm, no, I think the width or height 100% affects the HGroup and the the
CSS rule affects all Childs
now is:

.layout.itemsExpand {
width: 100%;
This is applied to HGroup

.layout.itemsExpand > * {
flex: 1 0 auto !important;
This is applied to all childrens

What I'm thinking while I write is that "itemsExpand" should be the only
one property, but the rules maybe could be different depending on
Horizontal and Vertical Layout, in horzontal will use "width" but in
vertical will use "height"... Is something I could try...

> It seems to me that is not suggesting...
> In the common sense, attribute only effect the element self.
> But if attribute can effect it's parent element, sounds a bit strange.
> Most people understand "itemsExpand" absolutely base on container's width
> and set the container's width by themselves.


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