One of the more sophisticated example is in my TranspiledActionScript
repository [1].



On Fri, Aug 17, 2018, 8:37 AM Alex Harui <> wrote:

> Answers inline.
> *From: *芋頭爛 <>
> *Reply-To: *"" <>
> *Date: *Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 10:10 AM
> *To: *"" <>
> *Subject: *Tour of Heroes(Angular) of Royale version
> Hello,
> I use royale 0.9.3(nightly) to implement Tour of Heroes(Angular).
> here is live demo
> <>
> It runs on Chrome well, but IE 11 no good...
> I find some issue when develop the tour of heroes.
>    1. Does royale have something like mx:Repeater or s:DataGroup, now I
>    always use j:List, but the UI does not need rollover, selected....etc
> Try DataContainer.  I think it is used in the ASDoc example.
> 2. [Bindable]
>     private var static ary:ArrayList = new ArrayList(["AA","BB","CC"]);
>     That will cause page blank....because "static"
>     If I must use static, the ArrayList construct must be empty.
>     private var static ary:ArrayList = new ArrayList();  // this work well
> I thought this was working.  I will look more into it this weekend.  Did
> you try public vs private static var?
> 3. When call ArrayList.removeAll(), the j:List does not refresh. Must call
> ArrayList.removeItemAt() for each.
> Looks like Piotr answer this.
> 4. Seems Royale has no VectorList, So I can't use Vector.<> for databinding
> Can you show us in code what you want to do?  Keep in mind that Vector
> doesn’t really exist in JS so will be implemented as an Array.
> 5. j:TextInput change event will trigger after typed, but also triggered
> when focus out
> Is this the way it is working now or the way you want it to work?  I don’t
> know that we have focus events working properly, but this sort of question
> is one reason where there are beads in Royale.  One kind of TextInput
> view/controller can dispatch change events on each change and another can
> dispatch change events only when focus out.
> 6. j:HGroup itemsVerticalAlign not worked
> 7. j:List use beands j:HorizontalLayout itemsExpand, not worked and cause
> page blank.
> 8. How to use org.apache.royale.routing, does it use with j:Navigation
> There is to “automatic” routing.  We have classes that you can use to
> determine the route, but currently there is no code that knows what to do
> with the route.  What do you want to happen if there is a route specified?
> 9. If use typeNames attribute, compile debug is ok, but compile release
> will miss it.
> I think that should work, although we do not recommend altering typeNames
> in application code.   Use className instead.  TypeNames is intended for
> component development.
> HTH,
> -Alex

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