Hi Alex

About Point 2

Alex Harui-2 wrote
> 2. [Bindable]
>     private var static ary:ArrayList = new ArrayList(["AA","BB","CC"]);
>     That will cause page blank....because "static"
>     If I must use static, the ArrayList construct must be empty.
>     private var static ary:ArrayList = new ArrayList();  // this work well
> I thought this was working.  I will look more into it this weekend.  Did
> you try public vs private static var?

You can see my test code from  https://stackblitz.com/edit/royale-hero
<https://stackblitz.com/edit/royale-hero>   for details.

TestVO.js is a bindable ValueObject with id, name property
VOProvider has static method to get TestVO array
Main.mxml use VOProvider to get TestArray like below.
private var myList:ArrayList = new ArrayList(VOProvider.getTestArray());

the result will cause page blank. nothing output

if move the new ArrayList(...) code to applicationComplete event
the result will be ok.

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