Hi Warren,

binding beads are always assigned to the "whole file" (so to the bead array
of the main tag)
I think there's no bead missing but some other thing interfering, so I
think the best is to copy the whole code of the file to see what could be
the problem

El dom., 4 oct. 2020 a las 18:16, Koch (US), Warren R (<
warren.r.k...@boeing.com>) escribió:

> I did try to work them into my simple example code before I posted for
> help.
> I added the ContainerDataBinding along with the ApplicationDataBinding
> Bead.  Took out the ViewDataBinding.    No Joy.  Did I put the bead in the
> wrong place?
> I tried adding the ConstantBinding to the List1 but I'm guessing I messed
> up the parameters.  Didn't work.
> <j:List localId="list1" width="200" height="300"  y="10">
>                 <j:beads>
>                 <js:ConstantBinding sourceID="simple"
> destinationPropertyName="dataProvider"/>
>                 </j:beads>
> </j:List>
> I'm positive I'm missing a bead somewhere but I don't see it and I've
> spent hours iterating bead combinations.  I know I'm missing something very
> basic.  Very frustrating.
> *From:* Carlos Rovira [mailto:carlosrov...@apache.org]
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 04, 2020 10:01 AM
> *To:* users@royale.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: How do i get a simple list to bind?
> This message was sent from outside of Boeing. Please do not click links or
> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know that the content
> is safe.
> Hi Warren,
> about the binding bead I said in my other response : "Also for a View (in
> its own file), you should use <js:ContainerDataBinding/>, instead of
> <js:ViewDataBinding/>, since there's currently a bug that generates lots of
> listeners."
> About Jewel List check these 2 examples:
>    - https://royale.apache.org/using-an-item-renderer-with-a-list/
>    - https://royale.apache.org/adding-an-item-to-a-jewel-list/
> (or even Tour De Jewel List page)
> also check is reference page for more examples and info about the
> component:
>    -
>    https://apache.github.io/royale-docs/component-sets/jewel/list#jewel-list
> Carlos
> El sáb., 3 oct. 2020 a las 15:43, Koch (US), Warren R (<
> warren.r.k...@boeing.com>) escribió:
> Yes I opened up a bunch of examples and tried to get them to work.  The
> code I included was simplified from the Jewel example.  I have gotten
> binding to work on Label but List refuses to cooperate. And that's why I
> went back to basics and came to this forum.
> I just tried the change Carlos suggested
> <j:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
>                                                    xmlns:j="library://
> ns.apache.org/royale/jewel"
>                                                    xmlns:js="library://
> ns.apache.org/royale/basic"
>                                                    xmlns:html="library://
> ns.apache.org/royale/html"
>                                                    xmlns:local="*"
>                                                    initialize="appInit()">
>                 <j:beads>
>                     <js:ApplicationDataBinding />
>                     <js:ContainerDataBinding />
>                 </j:beads>
> and it won't bind.  The List is empty.
> I added in under my View
> <js:beads>
> <js:ViewDataBinding />
> </js:beads>
> and it won't bind.  The List is empty.
> *From:* Piotr Zarzycki [mailto:piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Saturday, October 03, 2020 5:00 AM
> *To:* users@royale.apache.org
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: How do i get a simple list to bind?
> This message was sent from outside of Boeing. Please do not click links or
> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know that the content
> is safe.
> Did you open any example from Royale and just build? Literally almost all
> examples are using somehow databinding.
> On Sat, Oct 3, 2020, 12:50 AM Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> Just use
> <js:ApplicationDataBinding />
> but remember is a bead ;)
> so:
> <j:beads>
>     <js:ApplicationDataBinding />
> </j:beads>
> Also for a View (in its own file), you should use
> <js:ContainerDataBinding/>, instead of <js:ViewDataBinding/>, since there's
> currently a bug that generates lots of listeners.
> El vie., 2 oct. 2020 a las 23:56, wkoch (<warren.r.k...@boeing.com>)
> escribió:
> I'm struggling with the basics here.  I'm used to Flex and I think this
> is messing me up.  I read about databinding and tried a bunch of stuff with
> no luck.  Given this simple code --  I expected the List to be populated
> with data but it's not.  What am I missing?
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <j:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
>   xmlns:j="library://ns.apache.org/royale/jewel"
>   xmlns:js="library://ns.apache.org/royale/basic"
>   xmlns:html="library://ns.apache.org/royale/html"
>   xmlns:local="*"
>   initialize="appInit()">
> <fx:Style source="resources/app-styles.css"/>
> <js:ApplicationDataBinding />
> <js:ContainerDataBinding />
> <js:ViewDataBinding/>
> <fx:Script>
> </fx:Script>
> <j:valuesImpl>
> <js:SimpleCSSValuesImpl />
> </j:valuesImpl>
> <j:initialView>
>         <js:View x="10" y="5">
>                 <j:List localId="list1" width="200" height="300"  y="200"
> dataProvider="{simple}" />
>         </js:View>
> </j:initialView>
> </j:Application>
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-royale-users.20374.n8.nabble.com/
> --
> Carlos Rovira
> http://about.me/carlosrovira
> --
> Carlos Rovira
> http://about.me/carlosrovira

Carlos Rovira

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