Le 2010-11-18 11:50, Andreas Siegert a écrit :
On 18.11.2010 17:31, Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:
We need a working solution, not the mess that the sogo lightning produces.

That's rough!

What problem have you experienced with it? Why didn't you report them in
our BTS ?
Because it seems that things that are reported do not get fixed or things
are listed as fixed which are not (there where others that reported the
same problems, so no need for me to report them).
I just got tired of getting the latest builds that where supposed to fix
problems but did not.

Well... It could seem like a lame response, but all our free work is provided without warranty. We cannot afford that (and nobody can)...

I still think we do a pretty good job at fixing issues. Sometimes they are just not easy to narrow down because of contextual problems. But bugs that we fix rarely get reopened.

Wolfgang Sourdeau  ::  +1 (514) 447-4918 ext. 125  ::  wsourd...@inverse.ca
Inverse inc. Leaders behind SOGo (sogo.nu) and PacketFence (www.packetfence.org)


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